Thank You, ADAP 4ORTY Global!
BINTULU – For the third time, a local company, Adap 4orty Global presented personal protective equipment (PPEs) to the hospitals, polyclinics and quarantine centres in Bintulu, as well as the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) in Kuching for the frontliners involved in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak.
Previously, the organisation donated about 11,000 hand gloves, 688 disposal suits, 200 pairs of shoes and 40 boxes of face masks.
Apart from that, they also presented electrical equipment such as fans, refrigerators, spraying machines and toiletries.
“This is one of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. We are always ready to help, and we recommend the hospitals to continue contacting us for futher assistance”, said Adap 4orty Global spokesperson Francis Ngu Hown Hua.

(Photo by New Sarawak Tribune)