Emphasis On ‘Nature’ Aspect Of Sarawak
Sarawak’s Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem’s recent open policy towards foreign scientists and institution collaborations for Research and Development in Sarawak’s rainforests has yielded promising results for the future of Nature tourism in Sarawak.
In the short time proceeding the open policy, the Sarawak Forestry Corporation have announced the discovery of 12 new plant and animal species in the Totally Protected Areas (TPAs) of Sarawak’s prime rainforests, with encouraging possibilities of more species yet to be found.
The Chief Minister has been pressing for a crack-down on illegal logging for the past year, which has resulted in the accelerated gazettement of TPAs and protection of wildlife within the state.
With the increase of National Parks and TPAs, as well as the increasing discovery of endemic flora and fauna, the viability and sustainability of Nature tourism within the state are increasing exponentially.
Since July this year, 903,769 ha of areas have been gazetted as TPAs that consisted of 35 national parks (694,770 ha), 14 nature reserves (2.539 ha) and six wildlife sanctuaries (206,460 ha), nearing the state’s target of 1.2 million ha as TPAs.